

monotonic-clock interface

WASI Monotonic Clock is a clock API intended to let users measure elapsed time.

It is intended to be portable at least between Unix-family platforms and Windows.

A monotonic clock is a clock which has an unspecified initial value, and successive reads of the clock will produce non-decreasing values.

It is intended for measuring elapsed time.

Imported Types

An instant in time, in nanoseconds. An instant is relative to an unspecified initial value, and can only be compared to instances from the same monotonic-clock.


A duration of time, in nanoseconds.


Read the current value of the clock.

The clock is monotonic, therefore calling this function repeatedly will produce a sequence of non-decreasing values.


Query the resolution of the clock. Returns the duration of time corresponding to a clock tick.


Create a pollable which will resolve once the specified instant occured.


Create a pollable which will resolve once the given duration has elapsed, starting at the time at which this function was called. occured.

wall-clock interface

WASI Wall Clock is a clock API intended to let users query the current time. The name "wall" makes an analogy to a "clock on the wall", which is not necessarily monotonic as it may be reset.

It is intended to be portable at least between Unix-family platforms and Windows.

A wall clock is a clock which measures the date and time according to some external reference.

External references may be reset, so this clock is not necessarily monotonic, making it unsuitable for measuring elapsed time.

It is intended for reporting the current date and time for humans.

A time and date in seconds plus nanoseconds.

datetime:record {
seconds: u64
nanoseconds: u32

Read the current value of the clock.

This clock is not monotonic, therefore calling this function repeatedly will not necessarily produce a sequence of non-decreasing values.

The returned timestamps represent the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, also known as POSIX's Seconds Since the Epoch, also known as Unix Time.

The nanoseconds field of the output is always less than 1000000000.


Query the resolution of the clock.

The nanoseconds field of the output is always less than 1000000000.